Monday, June 25, 2012

Adolescence 101

Let me guess! A fresh-out of-school teacher, all geared up and ready to tackle the classes. Day 1 ends and you are holding on by a thread trying to sort out all the different personalities and faces you've met in the sea of teenagers, that is your classroom. Right now you are scrambling on line in hopes of finding the answers to all the questions bombarding your brain triggered by your students' actions and thoughts.
Well, you've come to the right place!
I have created this blog to serve as a safe haven for all us novice teachers who interact and deal with adolescents and their issues day in and day out and will not survive without our digital pocket handbook; Teenage Network Blog. This blog will enrich your knowledge on pressing topics that adolescents face today and will give you plenty of advice and tips on how to manage situations and restore a sense of normalcy in the classroom. This handbook will surely help you bridge gaps in the teacher-student relationships you've built, and help maintain a strong and healthy bond. I will commence this blog with two poems, one written by a teenager and the other by a hopeful guardian. We notice that they are very similar in tone and convey parallel thoughts, and essentially carry a sense of hopefulness. As teachers, we strive to instill a positive outlook on life and a high self-esteem and confidence in our students, in order for them to pick and choose the track that best suits them in a careful manner, that preserves their personality and uniqueness. 
The Words 
By Laura, 18, Houston, TX

Why is it that I cannot hear 

The word so dear 
That is meant for me? 
Lost in the darkness just inside, 
Where I tend to hide 
So that I can be free. 
Free from other words 
That churp louder than birds 
And replay in my memory 
That one word that desires the day 
As if only to say, 
"You CAN be happy." 
Maybe my heart will have the chance 
Just to dance 
To a song so lovely 
A song with no beat 
Only where eyes meet 
Swaying to an enchanted melody 
I guess in a way 
Hopefully someday 
Someone could even love me.

By Anonymous 

Through a clouded pair of spectacles

You begin to seek life.
Before you know what's out there.
Before you know your minds eye.

You live in the now
and forget what's ahead.
You make impulse decisions,
and your common sense you shed.

No responsibilites for anything at all.
Family and money mean very little
of which you see no more.

Just living on your instinct
to do what you see fit..
Knowing whatever you come across
will not bother you not one bit.

You float like a feather.
through your teenage life.
You swim only in the deep end
forever rolling the dice.

You regard nothing as your own,
including your many mistakes.
You give me your words and promises
of which I know you that you will break.

Your world spins at a 100 miles per hour,
yet you do not get travel sick.
My only wish for you my love
is that some thing finally clicks.

That you find what it is you are looking for,
So you can settle down.
I hope you get your train on track
and learn to swim before you drown.

The life I always dreamt for you,
The one where it's destination was clear.
The life in which you will pick for yourself
I hope not one that I will fear.